S3E18 – 5 rules for when doing work for free makes sense and unlocks value for you and your business
We discuss the 5 G’s – 5 rules for when doing work for free makes sense and unlocks value for you and your business.
We discuss the 5 G’s – 5 rules for when doing work for free makes sense and unlocks value for you and your business.
We are back with season 3 of the PROpulsion Podcast!
We kick off with a topic very near and dear to the heart.
A multi-dimensional take on “free”, freedom, value, and everything that goes with it!
I am convinced we all agree that information is extremely valuable. The right information at the right time in the right place can change our lives. How can we really attach a value to that? Stewart Brand said at the first Hackers Conference in 1984 that information wants to be expensive because it is so…