Many individuals and families are usually unprepared for emergencies and their inevitable passing. Loved ones are often left with no idea of where assets, liabilities, and important information are found.

Financial Advisors are frequently at a disconnect in understanding their customers’ holistic life position and struggle with effective communication and document sharing capabilities, even with their best efforts and intentions.

Some interesting facts:

🔒 Generational wealth lost due to unknown and unclaimed policies in SA is sitting at R44.9 billion in unclaimed pension funds alone.

🔒 Costly and prolonged winding up of an estate. Executors often have to start with no will in place and it can take years to eventually wind up an estate. Debit orders continue to run, rates and taxes pile up, etc.

🔒 Families can be left destitute if a single breadwinner has not managed his/her legacy.

🔒 Financial Advisors and Estate Planners struggle to have a holistic up-to-date view of their customers’ data. When the time comes to act, it’s a challenge to get all the right information and people together.

Lifedocs created a secure, digitally connected document management system that gives Financial Advisors and Estate Planners a centralised and easier way to plan for life and legacy with their clients.

In this episode, Francois du Toit talks to Geoffrey Harmuth CA(SA), co-founder and CEO of Lifedocs. They unpack the challenges and solution to the problem when it comes to keeping track of a client’s entire estate before it is too late.

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  • Francois du Toit, CFP® holds a B. Com degree in Risk Management as well as the Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning. He is an avid miniature figure painter with a passion for helping others succeed and for professionalising the Financial Services Industry. He holds the certification of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® or CFP® in good standing with the Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa as well as being a registered Tax Practitioner with them and SARS. Francois offers a unique and powerful proposition to businesses employing Financial Advisers and Broker Consultants that leads to significant improvement in production and reduced advice risk. His practical experience, success, technical knowledge and understanding the challenges and opportunities in this field, ensure immediate practical application in the target market. Francois has designed and created very successful online courses for the Financial Planning Institute and has trained hundreds of financial planners, advisers and other trainers for among others Old Mutual, PPS, Liberty, Iress and atWork. His ability to answer questions that relate to practical on-the-ground issues is what sets him apart from traditional trainers who may not have been in practice.

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