Efficiency means a lot of things. It unlocks a lot of opportunities and possibilities.
Efficiency gives you more time. Efficiency creates better customer experiences. Efficiency increases profitability. Efficiency helps you move faster than the competition.
How does one create efficiency? Two ways are to employ fit for your practice technology and outsourcing functions that are not core to what you offer.
Join Francois du Toit and his two guests, Elmarie Fourie (Independent Investment Solutions) and Johan Bester (AdviceTech), as they discuss a technology- and an outsource solution that will help you find and drive efficiency in your practice.
Independent Investment Solutions and AdviceTech recently sponsored the Global Financial Planning Conference 2022 and are on the show as part of their sponsorship agreement.
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AdviceTech Website:
AdviceTech Video:
Independent Investment Solutions Website:
Independent Investment Solutions Video:
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