S2E4 – The art of failing forward ft. Tanya Kunze
This is the unedited original audio from our LIVE online show called PROpulsion LIVE broadcasted on Friday 26 February 2021.
News segment presented by David Kop, Executive Director: Relevance of the Financial Planning Institute of SA.
Personal Development segment presented by Norma Simons, a mindset and accountability coach talking about the importance of setting priorities.
Featured Guest: Tanya Kunze, Internationally recognized, neuroscience-based, executive & business optimization coach, author, motivator, anchor and keynote speaker.
Tanya recently shared a 2-minute thought on her LinkedIn feed about John Maxwell’s approach to failing forward.
In this episode’s featured topic segment, we discuss this in great detail. An energetic, fun and inspiring conversation you will greatly benefit from.
Fun Segment: Francois du Toit takes you on a behind-the-scenes tour of his live streaming studio. You can watch that segment here if you prefer to see it.
Wrap Up segment presented by Francois du Toit, Director of PROpulsion Learning and Technology.
Sound effects from Zapsplat.com
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