S2E11 – The latest on SA Exchange Control and Tax Changes ft. Hugo van Zyl
This is the unedited original audio from our LIVE online show called PROpulsion LIVE broadcasted on Friday 23 April 2021.
News segment presented by Nici Macdonald, HOD: Certification at the Financial Planning Institute of SA.
Personal Development segment: presented by Norma Simons, a mindset and accountability coach talking about consumption versus creation.
Featured Topic: Hugo van Zyl, Cross Border Tax & Exchange Control Advisor
Based in Cape Town and Dubai, Hugo runs his private tax practice and a joint venture tax emigration / 🇦🇪 expat business. Hugo’s mission is to assist ex-pats or “WEG”kaners (away Africans as fondly referred to by his client base) in all respects. From tax to also legally reconcile themselves, as foreign resident expats, with their ZA Rand wallets and retirement funds. Without incurring the formal emigration expense, unless necessary.
In today’s episode, we discuss the latest changes in terms of the SA exchange control rules and their impact on expats and clients planning to emigrate.
Marketing and Branding segment presented by Rizanne Oosthuisen from ProfileMe talking about colours and your branding.
Update segment presented by Francois du Toit, Director of PROpulsion Learning and Technology.
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Sound effects from Zapsplat.com